Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I know what you might be thinking. FUKUNG!! must be some ancient chinese martial arts.
i mean, if you're smart enough to see it. its kung fu with it's syllables backwards.


which is it? fukung or kungfu?

but, alas, i won't be talking about martial arts. not today anyway. is just another one of the random websites i have much interest in. If you click the hyperlink earlier, it will probably bring you to a random picture. clicking on the same hyperlink will most probably bring you to another random picture, which is exactly what fukung is. a website with a bunch of random pictures. some i find are really funny, and some realli cute!

if you want to check out my favourite fukung pics. you can click HERE!!!1!!

just for kicks! check out some of the most adorable pics that you will ever see in your life!!!!!

all with compliments of fukung. enjoy~


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