What is a disciple? Loosely it's defined as someone who follows a teacher. Basically a student of a mentor. Although true, the word disciple has been often linked with Christianity. Probably being since Jesus started off with 12 Disciples, now more known as the 12 Apostles, and later more and more being his disciples, following his teachings. All in all, Jesus was probably the greatest teacher to have walked on earth. Having thousands of Disciples. Now every follower of Christ is known to be his Disciples.
But what does it mean to be a disciple? To be a disciple is not to be static. It's sometimes easy to just live with what we know and not what to learn more and assume we know everything we need to. But that's wrong. Discipleship is a learning process. If we knew everything we wouldn't be disciples! We would be mentors.
Also, being a disciple means much more than learning. We must follow, in the footsteps. Disciples want to be the as good or even better than the mentor. Although impossible in this case, we must still try our best. Maybe it isn't important to you, but how would it be if someone were to be acting like you and making you look like a fool in public. So act like a disciple!
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