Here's a look on the complete set of 7 new figures in the Heroclix Action Pack Brightest day. Unlike their predecessors, Blackest Night, these Figures are not dynamic poses but are more of a standstill. Even so, these look grrr-rreat! And come at a cheaper price! New figures comes new powers which brings a whole new playing field into Heroclix. Each figure also have the ability Regeneration, since they did come back from the dead. And the best part about these figures are....wait for it .... KEYWORDS! Not only do all of them possess the keyword 'Brightest Day', some of them have their own keywords. Now lets take a look at these figures up close.
Here we have Aquaman and Osiris. It looks to me they're pretty much similar in sculpt if you look at the poses. Probable only difference is that Aquaman stands on a tentacle. Aquaman gives a whole new playable field for the keyword "Atlantis", i mean he is the king of Atlantis after all. His Trait, allows him to deal damage to opposing characters whenever a Player with the keyword Atlantis is KO'd. This is generally attributed to the fact that the current revived Aquaman no longer controls aquatic life but only dead aquatic life. Fun Fact: every aquatic life he goes near dies. Anyways, imagine having an army of Aquaman. Lets say 4 Aquamans, If 1 got KO'd, the other 3 will be doing damage to each opposing character that attacked that Aquaman! Thats 3 x 2 = 6 Damage! Dangerous. Although it would be utterly useless against damage reducers.
Osiris is pretty much just like most Mystical character that receives their power from Shazam, only plus side is if he rolls a critical hit, the remainder of the game he modifies his combat values by +1. Try your luck with him.

Here we have Martian Manhunter, (The not so) Deadman, and Captain Boomerang. Martian Manhunter is probably one of the cheaper Powerhouses that comes with a lot of pow! Here he has a trait that allows him to use Exploit Weakness, Outwit, and Probability Control until your next turn whenever an opposing character is KO'd. Here's another character that has a new power after reviving, conversing to dead people. Overall he's a great fig, and i absolutely adore his sculpt, maybe just because it's half Black Lantern, and since i don't own any Black Lantern Figs, this kinda makes up for it! although sometimes i wish he was full black lantern.
Here we have Martian Manhunter, (The not so) Deadman, and Captain Boomerang. Martian Manhunter is probably one of the cheaper Powerhouses that comes with a lot of pow! Here he has a trait that allows him to use Exploit Weakness, Outwit, and Probability Control until your next turn whenever an opposing character is KO'd. Here's another character that has a new power after reviving, conversing to dead people. Overall he's a great fig, and i absolutely adore his sculpt, maybe just because it's half Black Lantern, and since i don't own any Black Lantern Figs, this kinda makes up for it! although sometimes i wish he was full black lantern.
Deadman, Now not dead, is my favourite figure in terms of stats. He's got a great healing power, and he doesn't die easily since he has a amazing ability to stop taking damage on the last dial. He's a wonderful tie up figure, and he has the ability to summon any figure with the brightest day or White Lantern Corps Keyword. Oh, did i not mention? He owns a White Lantern Ring, not sure why yet, but i'm sure will be revealed in the Brightest Day storyline eventually.
Captain Boomerang, One of the cheaper and weaker figure but with the ability to attack all characters in his boomerang path, it might come handy after all if you use him well! Great addition to the keyword Rogues.
Alas, our last two figures, Firestorm and Hawkgirl. Firestorm is probably one of the rarely used figures as his special abilities don't really give much options and you can use better figures for his cost. Not to mention his lack of keywords :/
Hawkgirl on the other hand is a cheap and strong warrior. Her trait Master Aerial Combatant allows you to modify her attack and damage values by +1 whenever she attacks a character with the Flight ability! Now that's what i call power!
All in all, a fantastic set, another must buy for DC Heroclix lovers, this set has not failed me. Great Quality overall, although there is some complains where Hawkgirl is weak at the legs and tends to snap, i haven't had that problem but it always doesn't hurt to pay extra attention to them.
So this wraps up this weekends Heroclix bonus edition by me. I hope you enjoyed it as much as i did. :)
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