As a new millinea dawns, we come to see more and more people going back to the classics, just as aviator shades. What has been a pretty big hit is, the Nerd Factor. Everybody wants to be a nerd nowadays. Being a legitimate nerd though, i find it pretty annoying at times. You see tons of people dressing up like a nerd, batman and transformer shirts, nerd glasses. Tell tale signs of nerdiness. But most of those people know jack squat about being a nerd.
I mean ask anyone who wears a batman shirt, if they know how batman died (in reference to the comic arch batman rip not "the man who broke the bat" which some people can argue was the spiritual death of batman) or if they know who the current batman is. Most of them probably cant even answer those two. But thats okay given that it's still quite recent events in the dcu (DC universe, if you didnt understand that, you're probably not a nerd) BUT if you ask them to name the first robin and they can't answer it's Dick Grayson, we're going to have a problem.
So what does seperate the Nerds from the wannabes?
Welcome to Perau's guide to be a full on nerd!
1. first and for-most, you have to be studying something science or IT related, which has lots of specialized words, and you have to speak lots of jargon. Such fields include, maths, engineering, IT, biotech, medicine..etc. the list goes on.
2. You have to have a bunch of nerdy shirts, examples are like of below! (my decepticon soundwave and green lantern shirt)
3. You have to own a collection of toys. (I don't really have a self to put all this stuff, and since most are in storage, i just compiled some examples, I've got heroclix, transformers and gundam there)

4. You need to of course, follow some nerdy tv program. Back in the days they had transformers (the 80s version), star trek, and all sorts of other stuff. These days we're much more privileged with awesome DC comic and Marvel cartoons, justice league, avengers. And not to mention other tv series, smallville, human target. Anything related to comics, space, robots, aliens, whatever! Animes count, but it has to be nerd animes like gundam.
5. Whats a nerd without his comics? you obviously need to read at least one continuity. That shouldn't be much a problem. Its just one. You got like tons to choose from. mind you i have over 2000 comic books on my PC.
If you fulfill 1,2,3,4,5 You at least meet the requirement to be able to become a nerd. But thats the easy part. To really be full-on, you have to
6. Know what a skrull is
7. Play a nerdy card game (magic, pokemon, yu-gi-oh..) or table top games, (dungeons and dragons, star wars miniatures, heroclix, warhammer)
8. Know who is in the DCU trinity
9. Own a transformer toy
10. Join an online forum
11. Questioned certain casting of actors potraying superheros
12. Know that batman and spiderman do not come from the same universe
13. Wish you were a superhero
If you meet all those ! ( i think i was being lax) You're well on your way to be a nerd.
and know you know.
and Knowing is half the battle! G I JOEEEEEE
(watch video if you don't understand reference)