Monday, February 7, 2011

La Brute

In my opinion, the French are pioneers when it comes to mini online games,they've created transformice, labrute, and formulawan, just to name a few that i've enjoyed. Today i'm going to introduce you to La Brute, the 2nd reincarnation of this popular online past time.

The general idea of la brute, is that you own your own character, or brute. You bring him into the arena to level him up, as he advances levels he will be favoured with a variety of skills and weapons and so on. The only downside of the 2nd reincarnation is that it only in french where as the original La Brute, or known to english users as mybrute had a variety of servers to choose from, english, spanish, french. But lucky for us we have google translate. Although in french, those who have experienced the 1st generation mybrute would have no problems at all playing this one.

here's a general view of your brutes page. Here's one of my characters, Tpefex, currently he's got 2 weapons, (shown on the wooden plank), 1 skill, (the only box that isn't half invisible), and a pet dog. (i decided to show this character cause i know my girlfriend loves dogs :))

One of the big difference which will make this game more favourable to the original is that each time you level up you get to choose one of two upgrades, one normally being a stat upgrade and the other either being a weapon, a skill, a pet or if you're really unlucky another stat upgrade.
This is a big yes for the fans because in the original, it depended on your luck, and sometimes you might be upgraded with the most useless skill, or a puny weapon. So you're given more freedom in this.

Another difference is that you only get to pick your opponent from a set given to you, and that you cannot see what skills or weapons he/she has, only his stats. This halts cheap players picking on guys with poor skills, which was regularly seen in the original. Here's a screen shot of my brute just about to hit the opponent!

Another difference with the system is, in the original we only get to picked 3 fights a day, a victory grants us 2 experience and a loss 1 experience. Here all fights are 1 experience, but you can carry on fighting for a maximum of 10 rounds as long as you don't lose 3 fights. 3 fights will get you hospitalized till the next day.

It's a really neat game, which probably required at most 30 mins of your time a day. So if you're free, i highly recommend you trying it out :)


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