Friday, February 11, 2011

Alternity Thundercracker

If you know me well enough, you would know that i have an sort of an impulsive behaviour when it comes to collectibles. Recently i had a craving for a shiny high end transfomer in the midst of my Hasbro normal grade Transformers. This made me turn to Tomy Takara, a pioneer in toy making from Japan, they've brought us a great deal of kids toys from beyblades, to collectibles like transformers.

One line that stood out to me was the Alternity, because of it's availability and it's not so high end price unlike the Masterpiece line which goes up to about 500 ringgit. The alternity line cost around 160 ringgit. Because of it's price tag, the conundrum of which one should i acquire arises. The Alternity line was short lived, for reasons unknown to us, so they only came up with 4 models, each model has a minimum of 2 remakes, mostly a different paintjob. Fortunately for me the store which sells this line only has one colour of each model, making it just a choice between the models!

Of the models, i highly disliked the suzuki swift cliffjumper model, because it looks bulky, fat in a sense. The Nissan Fair Lady Megatron was different to the original Megatron because it used swords instead of blasters, which kinda put me off. Another thing about Megatron which i did not approve of was that the back of his head was resting on a flat surface, which juts out a little which makes it look odd for a head not to be on it's own. Next came the Nissan GT-R Ultra Magnus, which looks highly cool, but after reviewing the reviews, it has poor articulation making it not be able to stand up, and also it's an autubot which sways my decision as i'm a big decepticon collector, (when i say big, i mean in heart, not in collection)

This leaves me with no other than, no surprises here as the title already stated, the Mitsuoka Orochi Thundercracker! Which i myself have no regrets of purchasing, and you'll see why in a minute. The Alternity seekers have been getting mixed reviews by the public which is understandable as everyone has their own taste.

Alternity Thundercracker

The model is a Japanese Sportscar, the Mitsuoka Orochi, which to my suprise, there is a Showroom in Malaysia, where there is a huge billboard of the Mitsuoka Orochi. The car itself looks fine, along with the eccentric blue colour makes it pleasing to the eye. A great deal about the Alternity line is the attention to fine detail they have, the car has everything from wipers, headlights to rims and radio aerial!


eek, sorry for the gap in the middle there, must have slipped my eye while taking photos.


Stunning, isn't he, (note i did not call it a she like most cars, thats because thundercracker is a male decepticon) there's even a spot for the car plate!

Now as to why i wanted something like the alternity line so badly, ...

Alternity Thundercracker

... you can actually open the doors, hood, and the trunk! Not only that but if you look closely inside ...

Alternity Thundercracker

... there is car seats along with steering wheels, Sorry for the flash shot, but i had to take it to prove the point about the car seats and the steering wheel.

Compare (low quality)

It just fits so well with my other toys, it's about the same size as a deluxe figure, which most of my collection are. This toy has a third mode, in addition to vehicle and robot mode, which is flight mode, his back wheels can be turned into tiny wings, similar to Turbo Tracks from the G1 continuity.

Alternity Thundercracker can fly!

A lot of people don't have much love for this third alternative mode because it's pointless in a way, but i absolutely adore it, it just adds on to what's already great about this toy. Now for the long awaited robot mode.

Alternity Thundercracker

They've actually tried really hard to make this look similar to the original seekers, giving it a (false) hood for the chest, Wings, and hand mounted blasters, also the wings on the legs which gives him the flight mode in it's car form is suppose to represent the plane fins from the seeker mode. This figure offers a lot in terms of poseability, and it doesn't have much of a stnading issue as most transformers do have. One big complain about this figure is the doors in the robot mode, the doors don't play any part in robot mode and are kinda just awkward there, (this angle doesn't really prove my point about the doors, but if you have the figure you'll know what i'm talking about) the doors also very easily detaches when transforming which is a pain. The figure also looks ugly from the back as many reviews mention, but as some people point out, who cares? you don't display them from the back anyway, who does that?

Overall a stunning figure, worth every penny if you ask me.

For more pictures of him visit my flickr :)


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