Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
In general, i think this means to be humble like, i don't think Jesus is forbidding us to be wealthy, but reminding us that we must be humble at heart and not brag? i know, i'm not very deep.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.
those who suffer will eventually be comforted. maybe. eventually. in heaven. OH, here's an idea, mourning is probably a sign of having feelings for others, so that means, empathy! not being self centered but also think about others.
Blessed are the meek,
for they shall possess the earth.
this kinda just reinstates my idea for the first beatitude, meek = humble in spirit. which now confuses me even more. for i don't think two beatitudes mean the same thing. So they must have different meanings. which comes back to.. what is "poor in spirit"? The word poor often makes us think about money, so in a sense, poor people don't ask for much, they're happy with a roof above their heads, fresh water and food to eat. So i guess it might be telling us to be happy with what we are given and don't ask for so much. Let's stick with that for now.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice,
for they shall be satisfied.
there's no deep thought here in my opinion. Justice. is maybe something this community lacks. there is no justice with corruption, stealing, cheating and all that. abide by the rules :)
Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
mercy, need i say more?
Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.
purity of the heart. what could this mean? this one could probably be open ended, is a heart pure after committing a sin of it's free will? Does sexual thoughts, revenge and all that make a heart impure even though the deed is not committed? If we look at it this way, it is almost impossible to have a pure heart. So what could Jesus mean with Pure of Heart. If we think of pure, ( well by we i mean i) we think of purity, like we want the purest gold like 24 karat. if it's 18 karat. it's not pure. Well, if we think about it that way 24 karats are only 99.9% pure. we still have 0.1% impurities. But nowadays we can't find anything thats really "pure", we give 99.9% purity the title pure. So if we think about it this way, an impure heart might still be able to become pure.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called sons of God.
World Peace is something that a lot of people dream of, especially beauty queens (<- click on link, you will not regret it!). We say dream because some dreams do not become reality, as much as we want this we know it's not going to happen with all the hate in the world. But does that mean we stop trying? Answer: No. who knows, if you can touch just one person with trying to make peace, maybe that person will do the same. And the train of peace continues, eventually the world will be full of peacemakers.
Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
And now we come to our final beatitude, the word justice has already been said, so what makes this justice different from the other? It's hard to tell really, hunger and thirsting is kinda a form of suffering in my opinion. maybe there's an emphasis on Justice because there is no justice in our world today? Well, i guess maybe the first time it's mention justice is the need for us to want justice, yearn it. And this mention is probably for us to act upon it!
So with these in mind my friends, let's try to make an effort :)
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