Friday, March 5, 2010

my secret prayer

I think, what a lot of Christians need to pray more. prayer is very powerful.
and God listens, he really does. :) and trust in what he does. he truly knows what is best for us.

true story, it happened to me.
As a young Catholic, i think the most hardest thing is to fight off temptation, as temptation is everywhere around us. temptation might as well change it's name to "university life".

But what is important is we need to find people from that university. other Catholics. so that you know you're not alone. that is really important. as a priest told me just the other day. yesterday, for that matter. build your faith together.

just the other day. while i was praying. something truly amazing happened. too amazing to be coincidental.

in essences, i was praying for God to guide my life. after praying, i proceeded to finding my rosary, and once i found it i wanted to hang it on top of my bed. but what happened was, the rosary fell behind my bed :(
it was a bit troubling to get it out. i had to move the bed. my hands weren't long enough. so i had to use a pen. but point aside.

i found many other stuff behind my bed. stuff the previous tenant left behind, a picture, an envelope, and a postcard. i'm not sure why. but i went on to reading that postcard. at the end of the postcard was a scripture.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in Him with all your heart,
acknowledge Him in all your ways,
and He will guide your paths.

i have to admit. i was truly in awe at that moment when i read it.
God listens to us. he truly does.
so i encourage all of you. in time of doubt, fear, need, sadness, happiness, whatsoever
Pray :)


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