Tuesday, July 20, 2010

my secret dc universe villian war

now that i think about it, i reckon every blog title starting with "my secret" is kinda hard. Look at my crappy title right now, its too long and unattractive, but what to do? i already started it like that, time to maintain formation.

today i will start blabbing on this new miniature figurine collectibles that i have, HEROCLIX, amazing as it is, they have characters from the dc continuity, like batman, robin, superman, and so on. We will go into more detail about that another day!

Ever wondered what would happen if the secret six take on the rogues!
(DC comic reference for all those who don't know)

According to the heroclix point value, the secret six, (ragdoll is unavailable yet in heroclix so i put together some of the members of the secret six as i please) would be 311. where the rogues ) would be, 297.

Pretty close in terms of team value, but secret six consist 6 members and rogues contain only 4.
However i feel pretty sure that the rogues might take the victory as the rogues figures are more recent meaning they have better skills, where as most of the secret six are old models so they, pretty much, suck.

Now for those who don't know, who's who, i give you, THE SECRET SIX, from the top, (left to right) Parademon, Scandal Savage, Bane, Mad Hatter, Deadshot, and Catman.

and my mini army of ROGUES, again from the top, (left to right) Mirror Master, Heatwave, Trickster & Pied Piper, and Captain Cold.

Well to find out who wins, i obviously have to find someone to play with and decide the outcome!
and here's a little sneak peak,


drum roll
to come, a little something,

await and see the glory!


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