Wednesday, July 28, 2010

my secret batman collection

As it seems i've just been blogging about my girlfriend's collection, it was just right that i'd talk about my own. It's no secret that i've been a Batman fan since i was a small kid, notably because of Batman: the Animated series, a little twist on the normal cartoons as this was dark and a little bit more serious, although every kid seemed to love it.

Who could forget this huh? It was a classic, from the first robin, Dick Grayson, till he became Nightwing, not sure why they skipped the 2nd robin, but here's to the 3rd, Tim Drake.

I always found Batman overatted until a couple years ago, when i started reading DC comics, now Batman is probably my most favourite character of all. He's the exact opposite from Superman the White Knight, Superman is seen as a hero, stopping crime and what not, and Superman seems to be above the law.

Gotham City however is overruled by crime syndicates, Gotham doesn't need heroes, they need saviours. Batman does the dirty stuff no one dares to do, and is seen as a vigilante, He works out of the law, so that makes him hated by most of the police. No one is above the law in Gotham.
A dark and scary city. To really understand, you probably have to read the series.

I was actually planning to push this post another 2 weeks back as i have some more Batman stuff coming on the way, but i couldn't help it. First off, this is the few Batman toys i have,
Batman from the Brave and the Bold Action League Collection, And the other 2 are from Heroclix. The difference between these here are notably the costumes, The 2nd from the left is the classic "Dark Knight" getup which is being used now by the Batman of this century, while the one on the most right is the same as the most left, the classic blue Batman set up from Batman's early days, now being revived in one of the latest, more light hearted Batman Series: The Brave and The Bold. and

And Being a big fan, who could have left out the notable Batman family,
On the right of the Dark Knight, we have Bruce Wayne, Batmans' alter ego
From the left (backrow) Damian Wayne, Commisioner Gordon, Nightwing, and Tim Drake as Robin. For those who don't know, Damian Wayne is Bruce Wayne's son, not illegitimate but legit, Bruce Wayne was married, and is still up to my knowledge, to Talia Al Ghul, Ra's Al Ghul (One of Batman's greatest enemy, the leader of "The League of Assasins") Daughter. Weird huh? To be added soon to this collection, and the one above, is another Batman! Another Nightwing, Another Tim Drake Robin and Batman Beyond. I'm so excited!

and next up, who could forget the villains of batman? not I! eeek! i just realised i forgot to include Clayface T____T, well Fear not, when my new figures arrive i will include Clayface along with them, well for those still reading, i'm sure most of you guys can indentify most the baddies, scarecrow, riddler, two face, mad hatter, Bane. Well the not so remembered ones, are Azrael, Catman, and Deadshot,which i did my homework to make sure! Did all originate from Gotham and are Batman enemies.

Other Heroes that work in Gotham, not so known to many as well, Gotham's heroes all have a trend if you notice, they don't like the spotlight. Creeper and Ragman. To be included in this would also be Question which is on the way! probably in a box somewhere T_T.

Well fans, Nuff said! I hope you enjoyed my toys. and are looking forward to more of them in future :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

my secret domokun collection

Me and my girlfriend, babysaurus, have decided awhile back, that well, actually she decided, that she want's the biggest domokun collection in the whole world. For all you folks who don't know who that is, click any domokun word and it'll direct you to his wiki.

well in short, domokun is just a mascot, which looks really cute, and some people go crazy over him.

domo konichiwa! (hello domo!)

AH. ISN'T HE ADORABUBBLE?????!!!!???!?!?!?!?!

the answer you are looking for is yes.

Anyway as i was saying, me and my girlfriend will be collecting domokun, (what's mine is hers) and one day own the biggest collection.
Check out my domokun collection so far!

Cute right?
i have a hoodie, a badge, a cap, a sticker and a handphone pouch. :D
the badge belongs to my girlfriend, i just havn't gave her it yet. be patient babysaurus! hehe, i decided to highlight her name green cause it's her favourite colour. the sticker and the badge comes when you buy the domokun merchandise. so it's like a bonus!

my girlfriend already has 2 domokun softtoys and on the way a shirt which i bought for her birthday! so watch out world. we'll be the biggest domokun collectors. ever!

i found this picture, which i find sort of cute. domo destroying cities. haha. how adorabubble
i just had to share it with you readers.

and to finish off. why not a domo video?

the video is really pointless. but it's just so cute!

my secret webcomic (part 2)

welcome back comic book fans, do i have a treat for you!

i've upgraded myself. adding more stuff than just the blabbing. We have more speech like things and. i added buildings to some. haha!
i amuse myself much.

That's all my mind can take right now. But tune in soon, to see how the outsiders take on the Scarecrow! and they find themselves a little tight. Red Rocket then takes on the Fearless Five! Brave? or Stupidity?
I'll be introducing more characters, Ace, Black Adam, Green Lantern, and many many more!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

my secret dinner with the bishop

so, last night, we had dinner with the bishop. He's a retired bishop. and what is interesting is that he is such a big humanitarian, even for his age! it's amazing. one thing that stands out about this bishop, is the way he says grace. Its always the same quirky grace. which i find amusing.
so this blog post will be about saying grace before meals.

I cant find the one the bishop says but it roughly starts like this,
"When Catholics meet to dine and cheer,
They eat good food, and sometimes beer!"

something like that laa.
haha and another one which i find amusing, is from the cartoon, of that french little girl, cant remember but the grace goes like this

"We love our bread, we love our butter, but most of all, we love each other"

ahh this is good to be tried at weedings.
"For sumptuous food and tender roast,
For the invitation from our gracious host;
For [bride's name] whom [bridegroom's name] loves the most;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen"

cute right?
i donno why the fond changed.
but it cant be helped.
i dunno how to change it back!

peace outttt~~

Friday, July 23, 2010

my secret webcomic (part 1)

Ah, as i was feeling bored and wanted to play with my toys. I decided, i should take it to the big screen. Haha, behold the glory of my webcomic. Introducing my own DC universe, the clixverse,
part 1: secret service


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

my secret 50 first dates

Well, as attractive as i may like to think i am. I'm sorry dear readers, but i did not have 50 first dates. In fact, i only needed to have 1 first date to know that i was and still am, in love with my girlfriend, for private purposes she will be known as 'babysaurus'

ANYWAY, i'm sure everyone is wondering, 50 first dates, whats that all about then?
It's actually one of my favourite movies that i've considered watching more than once, and if you know me well enough you would know i would never watch it if i watched it already, as i find it wasting my time, but somehow this, and some other movies are so attractive that it's brought me back to watching it again.

Ah, if you noticed, it's pretty old. 2004. indeed.
Well, to summarize the story, its about a guy who cant handle serious relationships, looks for flings who are mostly tourist, who, ultimately tries for a local girl, but see, this girls suffers problems, so she cannot remember anything, everyday she lives out the same day.
And he then has fallen in love with her, and everyday tries to, "pikat" her in a sense, but even if he fails, he still comes back day after day to "pikat" her

pikat - is a malaysian ish term, when you try to pick up someone.

The movie just impresses me, It's like ultimate love, i hope to be as good a boyfriend. haha.
Dont want to spoil the movie for those who havnt watched it.
in my books
this deserves
at least a 9.5/10
its got quick witted humour, a great love story, and pretty good acting.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

my secret dc universe villian war

now that i think about it, i reckon every blog title starting with "my secret" is kinda hard. Look at my crappy title right now, its too long and unattractive, but what to do? i already started it like that, time to maintain formation.

today i will start blabbing on this new miniature figurine collectibles that i have, HEROCLIX, amazing as it is, they have characters from the dc continuity, like batman, robin, superman, and so on. We will go into more detail about that another day!

Ever wondered what would happen if the secret six take on the rogues!
(DC comic reference for all those who don't know)

According to the heroclix point value, the secret six, (ragdoll is unavailable yet in heroclix so i put together some of the members of the secret six as i please) would be 311. where the rogues ) would be, 297.

Pretty close in terms of team value, but secret six consist 6 members and rogues contain only 4.
However i feel pretty sure that the rogues might take the victory as the rogues figures are more recent meaning they have better skills, where as most of the secret six are old models so they, pretty much, suck.

Now for those who don't know, who's who, i give you, THE SECRET SIX, from the top, (left to right) Parademon, Scandal Savage, Bane, Mad Hatter, Deadshot, and Catman.

and my mini army of ROGUES, again from the top, (left to right) Mirror Master, Heatwave, Trickster & Pied Piper, and Captain Cold.

Well to find out who wins, i obviously have to find someone to play with and decide the outcome!
and here's a little sneak peak,


drum roll
to come, a little something,

await and see the glory!

my secret apology

Apologies to my readers (if there is even any)
and to my beloved blog.
it seems i have abandoned you for sometime.
but fear not! all hope is not lost.
i have found inspiration to blog again. :)

to update you on life. i've been busy.
catchin the rainbows end.
creating my own team of superheroes.
and making myself a football superstar.
and not to mention dreadful exams.

Thanks for listening! tune in for new post. coming soon~~~~