Who could forget this huh? It was a classic, from the first robin, Dick Grayson, till he became Nightwing, not sure why they skipped the 2nd robin, but here's to the 3rd, Tim Drake.
I always found Batman overatted until a couple years ago, when i started reading DC comics, now Batman is probably my most favourite character of all. He's the exact opposite from Superman the White Knight, Superman is seen as a hero, stopping crime and what not, and Superman seems to be above the law.
Gotham City however is overruled by crime syndicates, Gotham doesn't need heroes, they need saviours. Batman does the dirty stuff no one dares to do, and is seen as a vigilante, He works out of the law, so that makes him hated by most of the police. No one is above the law in Gotham.
A dark and scary city. To really understand, you probably have to read the series.
I was actually planning to push this post another 2 weeks back as i have some more Batman stuff coming on the way, but i couldn't help it. First off, this is the few Batman toys i have,
Batman from the Brave and the Bold Action League Collection, And the other 2 are from Heroclix. The difference between these here are notably the costumes, The 2nd from the left is the classic "Dark Knight" getup which is being used now by the Batman of this century, while the one on the most right is the same as the most left, the classic blue Batman set up from Batman's early days, now being revived in one of the latest, more light hearted Batman Series: The Brave and The Bold. and
On the right of the Dark Knight, we have Bruce Wayne, Batmans' alter ego
From the left (backrow) Damian Wayne, Commisioner Gordon, Nightwing, and Tim Drake as Robin. For those who don't know, Damian Wayne is Bruce Wayne's son, not illegitimate but legit, Bruce Wayne was married, and is still up to my knowledge, to Talia Al Ghul, Ra's Al Ghul (One of Batman's greatest enemy, the leader of "The League of Assasins") Daughter. Weird huh? To be added soon to this collection, and the one above, is another Batman! Another Nightwing, Another Tim Drake Robin and Batman Beyond. I'm so excited!
Other Heroes that work in Gotham, not so known to many as well, Gotham's heroes all have a trend if you notice, they don't like the spotlight. Creeper and Ragman. To be included in this would also be Question which is on the way! probably in a box somewhere T_T.
Well fans, Nuff said! I hope you enjoyed my toys. and are looking forward to more of them in future :)